From our Community
- Telesphora Pavlou, La Chiesa, Sposa Mistica di Cristo. Sintesi teologico-sistematica di ecclesiologia in chiave simbolica, Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2022”.
eBooks from authors in Friends of the Beatitudes Church in Galilee
Royalties are being donated to the rebuilding program at the Church of the Beatitudes due to the extensive damage from the fire in July 2022.
- R.H. Ruggles. Pilgrimages. Sacred travel destinations blessed by divine appearances of Mary and Jesus. Amazon Kindle. 2022l
- R.H. Ruggles. Divine Meditations. The Rosary in Stained-Glass Windows. Amazon Kindle. 2022.
- R.H. Ruggles. World English Bible. Illustrated New Testament. Amazon Kindle. 2020.